In his box...
Movement sensor prototipe based on a ball pen.
Trashpod 0Gb is only a fantasy, a game that complements the
noise of your steps.
It is constructed exclusively with the fruit of the forced technologi-
cal obsoleteness; with what capitalism calls garbage, with garbage
that it was already so from its own fabrication or since in a meeting
someone decided its expiry date.
I don’t know if this will make someone to think but, anyway, it does
not matter because GarbagePod is just a game.
Garbage Pin is a device jewel born from a distinctly urban concept of appropriation and reinterpretation of a daily use object: the rubbish bin.
Being of a kind of urban furnishing that exists in big numbers in the cosmopolitan set-up, the waste bin belongs with no doubt to the collective imagery, present in the day to day of any citizen as a reflection of a culture linked to an accelerated and increasing consumption like is ours.